Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Date: August 27,2008
Time: 5:38pm

The have been many articles about the situation in the middle east, and I'm talking about with terrorism that is taking place in afgahnastan and Iraqi. it has not really got all that better in those regions of the world. There have been many attempts by al-qaeda to disrupt the whole effort out there. My question is if the newly elected president be able to handle the situation in the right manner. We have already upset many people in the middle east with our unnecessary war in Iraqi and for the most part the leader of this terrorist group is still roaming the world like its OK.I'm really hoping that the new leader of the new world will bring this man to justice for what he has committed and the destruction he is committing. The terrorist group is using many tactics to disable the whole region and will stop at no cost so i have high hopes that the new president will bring him to justice.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Time Machines

Date: August 25,2008
Time: 5:09pm

There was a very interesting article that was given to us in our literature class and i found it so amazing I'm not sure i believe everything it says but it makes your mind work. The article was about how we are trying to see some kind of sign that will let us know about a future natural disaster and how we can save our most impressive technology just in case we are wipe out so that if there is some left they can gain some information about the past that man has made great advances. There were many scientist that have studied the great pyramids and they have come to the conclusion that that was what they were doing as they save alot of their great tech and readings, writings and all their knowledge.So the article goes into how in now in the present day we are not paying to much attention and like the article is called a thief in the night that disaster is going to come.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fake or real

Date: August 20, 2008
Time: 5:45pm

There is something that i have been wanting to talk about and that is the believe in what we call fictional literature writings or the study of scientific study dealing with the earth. Let me start out by saying that we have a tendese to get frighten by these things we her about the earth ending or some kind of disaster taking place. Man loves to place fear into the hearts and minds of people with these ideas that are not always proven. Some of what we hear is true in the sense of the information that they have come with and the study and recording of some of the events that have taken place in the past or present time. There are individuals that for some reason just love to live insome type of fear. Lets not forget that there is a higher being that gave us life and loves us and wants us to be happy but we must not get lost in all this redoric . So take the time to look into what we believe in and what others wants us to believe in what they are saying.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Poland's in the mix

Date:August 19,2008
Time:5:27 pm
Place:friends house

     The newest news in the strategic move by the Russian nation has been a greater move by the United States to set up long range missiles to defend the European nations and the U.S. from a missile strike that could come from Iran. Every since Iran has been developing nuclear weapons the U.S. has come up with an idea to defend themselves by asking Poland to permit the U.S. to set up the missile in that country. The problem with all of this is the tension it has created with Russia not liking the missiles so close to their country. Not to forget that Poland is a NATO nations and is also willing to defend themselves at any cost, and not repeat what happen in WWII which is something they have not forgot. To this date the Russians have not left the small country of Georgia even though they said that they would leave right away but they are still riding tanks  through the city.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer at seaport

Date:August 17,2008
Time:9:49 pm
Place:friends house

   The summer is still going on and in enjoying every moment i can thanks to the almighty. Today i went site seeing and it was fantastic there was alot to see and do out at the south street seaport. There was so many people out there and the brooklyn bridge was lit up with all its lights and the water fall was running strong with the current of water flowing with such brightness. iI had some food out there it was pretty expensive but you pay for what you get in the city , its how it is ,you know. I walked from battery park to the seaport and the sun was shinning bright. i also saw the helicopter taking off at the heliport it was so cool with the engine roaring like a lion. We only have about a few weeks before the summer is over so like i said do as much as you can to enjoy every beautiful day to the fullest.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Russians are coming

Date: August 13,2008
Time: 4:48pm
Place:devry lab

The situation around the world has not gotten any better and i mean with the wars that are starting between countries. The newest one is Russia and their new offensive movement against Georgia and the mayhem that has been created out there in western Europe. There has been alot of bombs and tanks have gone into some cities out there, while the United States has urge the Russians to stand back and basically take it easy.But now a days with the war in Iraq going on and the deaths that have taken place who is going to listen to the U.S. when Russia is still considered a super-power. Some might start to think that they are trying to gain land that they have lost but we won't be able to tell till time passes by and see what their next move might be.I have taken a look into the past and a grim reminder has come up in my mind when the cold war was in effect and the fear of nuclear war wasto take place any minute of the day, it was a scary time for us Americans. The Russians have put put alot of their resources into weapons and machines of destruction but nothing into their economy and people and this alone led to their down. The system of government was a total crash landing; many people in Russia are starving of hunger due to the system. There are many who think there might be a problem looming in western Europe with the Untied States and their installation of the strategic missile defense , which makes Russia very uneasy and want them removed from the region. Lets hope they learn from their past and just take it easy so we all could be at peace.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer Olympics

Date: August 9,2008
Time: 5:12pm

The summer games have begun and it was such an amazing introduction that was presented by the Chinese,in my point of view it has been the best that ever presented in any of the games. The dancing the fireworks the lights it was so exciting watching this on t.v. it was also very beautiful to see so many countries come together and share this great moment. The games are going to be a very competitive one at that ,thus the very well trained altheles that will be going out there to get that gold metal; this is a very happy time but we must never forget the people out there that can't even watch the games or more important have a plate of food. In the mist of these games going on in China we must always remember that it is our duty to help the less or unfortunate. The games will be an exciting one to watch and we will see who is going to come out on top and what records will be broke and made. Yes I'm going for the United States and i know we will be on top but let me tell you that it will not be easy at all so lets root for the home team to bring home the gold metal.