Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nuclear War

Date: August 6,2008
Time: 4:34pm

There was a documentary i had seen today about the end of the world, but it was so interesting becaus eit had to do with the problem going on today in the middle east. The documentary focus on Iran and its problem by obtaining nuclear weapons, the country who feels the biggest threat is Israel becaus the on going dispute with its neighbors that has been going on for years. The support that Israel has from the United States also creates a threat for Iran as they fear a tatical attack against there country just like the U.S. did with Iraq. So here is the problem that if Iran does gain these weapons there is a very likely possibility that Israel might attack and other muslim countries will not like the idea and an all out war could start which eventually get the United States involve. So basically this could be the start of war III. There are many countries in the middle east that feel threaten by the United States and Israel together and vise verse so there is alot of preperation in order to be ready for this day , which could mean the end of the world. It is a very scary idea to think about but lets hope things can change for the good because the last thing we all need now a days is to get caught up in a nuclear war

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